Every year in my High School Academy Vibe Class, our media teacher Mr. Torrence, has the students in his class break into groups, and participate in this 10 Day Film Challenge. This will be the third year our school has participated in this challenge, and our school is just one of hundreds in the country that participate in this challenge.
The details of the challenge are outlined on this website: www.tendayfilm.org/
Our group made a Sci-Fi short film around the idea of cloning and the ill-effects it could have on society and it's creators.
After the judging was completed, our film won the category of Best Original Score, was nominated for Best Original Screenplay, and won Third Place Overall in our region.

Pictured below are the members of the team. From Left to Right: David Pease (Director), Trevor Torrence (Advisor), Jackson Beard (Composer), Austin Rutherford (Actor/Producer), Nick Mammone (Director of Photography), Phil Nagy (Advisor), Megan Woodruff (Actress), Lewis Sartain (Graphic Designer). Not Pictured: Frankie Biffath (Visual Effects Coordinator), Caleb Hodges (Actor)