This project has an interesting story...
In January, the script was pitched to the CIF group as a whole by the original storywriter; John Bennett. He had been working on this idea in his head and on paper for the better part of 10 years, but had little experience actually directing or producing film projects. So he explained his concept to everyone at the meeting to see if anyone wanted to head the project...
And so up my hand went.
With the outline of a story in place, and the plot for a full feature length project in mind, Myself, John and my DP Chris Skomra decided that the short could serve as a good piece to demonstrate our skills to potential investors.
So with the goal in mind, we set out to write and shoot the opening scene of our film. Over 2 days, and 20 hours of shooting with the Columbus Independent Filmmakers Crew, we got the production stage of this project completed.
The project is out to watch on the CIF and my personal YouTube channels. 
Scene 2GA - Behind the Scenes
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